Here’s How Synthetic Turf in Texas Protects Dog Paws

lawnhomecare Jun 21, 2022 Pet Friendly Turf
Keep Your Dog’s Paws Safe with Synthetic Turf in Texas

Dogs are known for their boundless energy and playfulness. They love to run, jump, and play fetch. However, all that running around can take a toll on their paws. Rough terrain, hot pavement, and salt can all irritate a dog’s paw pads and lead to dryness, cracking, and even infection.

While you can’t control the weather or the terrain, you can control what type of surface your dog plays on. And that’s where synthetic turf in Texas comes in. Here are seven reasons why artificial grass is better for dogs’ paws.


  1. Artificial grass is softer than concrete.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s an important consideration nonetheless. A soft surface is much easier on a dog’s paw pads than a hard one. Concrete is particularly tough on paws, as it’s very dry and often has sharp edges. Even asphalt can be too rough for some dogs.


  1. Artificial grass doesn’t get hot like pavement does.


Hot pavement is another hazard for dogs’ paws. In the summer, pavement can get so hot that it actually burns a dog’s paw pads. This is obviously very painful and can even lead to blisters. Artificial turf in Texas, on the other hand, stays cool in the heat and is much safer for dogs’ paws.


  1. Artificial grass drains well.


Another consideration is drainage. If a surface doesn’t drain well, it can become wet and muddy, which can irritate a dog’s paw pads. Concrete and asphalt don’t drain well, but artificial grass does. This means that it’s less likely to become wet and muddy, and thus more comfortable for your dog to walk on.


  1. Artificial grass is free of harmful chemicals.


Pesticides and herbicides can be harmful to dogs if they ingest them. Unfortunately, these chemicals are often used on natural grass lawns. This means that your dog could be exposed to them every time he or she goes outside. Synthetic turf in Texas, on the other hand, is free of harmful chemicals, so you can rest assured that your dog is safe.


  1. Artificial grass doesn’t attract fleas and ticks.


Fleas and ticks are a huge nuisance, not to mention a health hazard for both you and your dog. Thankfully, artificial grass doesn’t attract these pests the way that natural grass does. This means that you won’t have to worry about your dog picking up fleas or ticks when he or she is playing outside.


  1. Artificial grass is easy to clean.


If your dog happens to have an accident on the artificial grass, don’t worry. It’s easy to clean up. Just use a hose or a power washer and the mess will be gone in no time. Natural grass is much more difficult to clean, as you have to remove the soiled area and replant new grass seed.


  1. Artificial grass is low maintenance.


In general, artificial grass requires much less maintenance than natural grass does. There’s no need to mow, fertilize, or water it. This means that you’ll save time and money in the long run.

As you can see, there are many reasons why fake grass in Texas is better for dogs’ paws. If you’re looking for a safe and comfortable surface for your dog to play on, artificial grass is the way to go.