The Benefits of Synthetic Grass in St Louis for Senior Dogs

lawnhomecare May 12, 2022 Pet Friendly Turf
he Benefits of Synthetic Grass in St Louis for Senior Dogs

As your pet begins to age, their needs will change. This may include a change in diet, more frequent trips to the vet, and a need for more exercise. However, one thing that doesn’t have to change is their love for playing fetch or taking a nap in the sun. Unfortunately, age can take its toll on your pet’s joints, making it difficult for them to enjoy their favorite activities. This is where artificial grass comes in. Here are four benefits of synthetic grass in St Louis for senior dogs.

  1. Artificial Grass is Soft on Joints

    As your dog gets older, their joints will become more sensitive. This means that they may have a difficult time walking on hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. However, artificial grass is much softer on their joints, making it a more comfortable option for them to walk on. In addition to that, artificial grass also has a cushioning effect, which can help to reduce the impact on your dog’s joints.

  2. Artificial Grass is Easy to Clean

    Cleaning up after your dog is a breeze with artificial grass. Unlike real grass, which can be difficult to clean, artificial grass drains quickly and doesn’t hold onto pet waste. This means that you won’t have to spend hours cleaning up after your dog, and they can continue to enjoy their time outside without having to worry about making a mess. In fact, all you’ll need to do is rinse the artificial turf in St Louis with water to remove any waste.

  3. Artificial Grass is Low Maintenance

    Artificial grass is also low maintenance, which means that you won’t have to spend as much time caring for it. Unlike real grass, which needs to be watered, mowed, and fertilized, artificial grass requires very little upkeep. This is great news for senior pet owners who may not have the time or energy to care for a traditional lawn. Furthermore, artificial grass is also resistant to pests and weeds, so you won’t have to worry about those either.

  4. Artificial Grass is Durable

    Artificial grass in St Louis is also very durable, meaning that it can withstand heavy use from your dog. Whether they like to play fetch or just lounge around in the sun, artificial grass will be able to stand up to their activities. This is great news for senior dogs who may not be as active as they once were but still enjoy spending time outdoors. Moreover, artificial grass is also non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry about your dog ingesting chemicals.

    If you’re looking for a way to make your senior dog’s life more comfortable, synthetic grass in St Louis may be the perfect solution. With its soft surface and easy-to-clean design, artificial grass is a great option for older dogs who still want to enjoy their time spent outside. On top of that, artificial grass is low maintenance and durable, making it a great investment for any pet owner.