Do Synthetic Turf For Denver Putting Greens Fade In The Sun?

lawnhomecare Jan 21, 2022 Lawn Care Tips
Putting Greens Fade In The Sun

Natural grass is vulnerable to fading. And those brown and yellow patches are on something you want when you invest in a putting green.

In this article, we will discuss the effect of ultraviolet (UV) light on green grass, and how synthetic turf for Denver putting greens is able to stand up against it.

Why Does Real Grass Fade?

Uneven exposure to sunlight can cause grass to quickly fade.

UV rays are the primary culprits of browning and yellowing, but they aren’t the only reason why natural turf fades. On cloudy days, 80% of UV rays still reach earth (and your green). And while the sun’s intensity is weaker on overcast days, the total amount of UV exposure is still more than enough to do damage.

In short, there are two types of light that cause fading: direct and indirect sunlight. In order to be effective, a putting green needs to shield against both.

How Does Artificial Turf Compare?

Unlike natural grass, synthetic turf for Denver putting greens have an additional UV protective layer that serves to block out the harmful effects of UV light.

It would be false to say that UV rays never reach the putting surface of an artificial turf green, but any amount of light they do provide is negligible when compared with the intense exposure that natural grass endures.

And because artificial grass is not organic, it isn’t vulnerable to the elements like real grass is. So while natural turf fails to retain its color, synthetic grass stays green year round – regardless of rain or shine.

Even in conditions where the sun is at its brightest (such as high noon on a hot summer day), UV rays are unable to penetrate through an artificial putting green’s protective outer shell. The result is a holding green that always looks its best, and never fades.

Will Artificial Grass Stand Up to the Elements?

Yes! Artificial grass is designed to stand up against rain, snow, ice, wind – even foot traffic.

You see, when considering artificial turf vs natural grass surfaces for your putting green or other synthetic grass sports surface, UV light is just one of several factors to take into account.

In fact, the majority of the differences between artificial turf installation in Denver CO and natural grass arise from their respective composition.

Synthetic turf is a manufactured material made from a combination of polymers and resins, while real grass is grown from soil, seed and water. Because it’s not organic , it won’t crack or wither under conditions where natural grass struggles.

In addition to its durability, artificial grass is also more mold and mildew resistant than natural grass. These properties make it a better choice for areas with high humidity, or those prone to frequent rain or snowfall.

In short, synthetic turf green surfaces are made from materials that are designed to stand up against conditions that real turf just can’t handle.

So the next time you’re wondering if artificial putting greens fade or not, remember that they don’t – and that’s because of more than just how they look!

Happy golfing!

Get your very own artificial grass installation in Denver today.