Investing in a backyard putting greens in Modesto is a great way to save money on green fees while improving your game at home.
Here are 7 backyard putting green skills you can practice on your new turf to take that next step in the game of golf.
1. Learn how to read greens properly
Greens are tricky, and learning how to read them is key to scoring well on the course.
That starts by spending time practicing on your backyard putting greens in Modesto. Take your time before every putt to look at the green’s contour, slopes, and any other putting surface features.
2. Learn how to play different types of breaks
One of the biggest mistakes amateur golfers make is not playing enough break on their approaches or short game shots. The more you practice reading greens in your backyard putting green, the better you’ll get at playing breaking putts everywhere on the course – including up-and-down situations around the green.
3. Practice lag putting & distance control
Lag putting is key to scoring well because it allows you to minimize 3-putts by nearly eliminating multiple putts from within 10′ feet of the hole. When practicing your lag putting skills, don’t forget about learning how to control not only the distance of your putts, but also the break!
4. Improve speed putting consistency
Speed putting is one of the biggest keys to scoring well on the course, and developing a consistent routine is key. Setting up quickly is key – no matter what type of green you are practicing on – so that you can get multiple repetitions per hole. Work on feeling your stroke as it goes through impact with the ball. It takes practice, but soon enough you’ll have internalized a strong feel for proper speed putting technique both inside 10 feet and beyond.
5. Play golf course strategy games
When practicing in your backyard synthetic grass in Modesto CA, play some fun golf course strategy games instead of straight-up putting contests. Pick a target, then try to putt to it from different distances around the green (ie: 1st cut bunker, back of the green, etc).
6. Play speed golf putting games
Speed putting games not only help you improve your speed putting consistency, but also work on how fast you play the game overall. Try setting up 5 balls at each hole and see who can get them all in 3 shots or less – no putting – first one out wins!
7. Practice challenging yourself with different types of conditions
Lastly, don’t just practice flat stick skills on your backyard putting green! Take advantage of any unique features you might have in your yard by practicing difficult conditions like uphill putts or low-lying putts. The more comfortable you are with these types of challenging conditions, the better prepared you’ll be for when they appear in your everyday rounds.
As always, if you’re interested in placing a backyard artificial grass installation in Modesto CA at your home contact your local turf experts for help!