Working on your game in the backyard or garage can be very rewarding. Here are some of our favorite reasons to practice your skills on a putting green made of St. Louis artificial turf:
It’s private.
You don’t have to worry about upsetting anyone when practicing at home, and neighbors won’t complain about all the noise like they might if you were hitting balls at the range.
It’s convenient.
If you have a garage or shed, you can keep your putter and ball in there so that it’s always ready to go when you are. You don’t need to walk out into the elements if it’s raining or cold outside either- just slip on some shoes and get playing on St. Louis artificial turf!
It’s cheap.
You don’t need to pay range fees, and you won’t have to buy any special equipment or balls if you just want to practice putting.
Your family will love it.
Having a putting green made of artificial grass in St. Louis in the backyard will give your kids and spouse something fun to do together. Kids can practice their chipping and pitching skills while parents take turns on the putting course. It’s also great for spending quality time outside with family members when it’s too hot to play other sports or when you need a break from yard work.
You can make it however long or short you want.
Some people like a full length green to work on their drives, while others prefer a simple target practice area with a few cones and flags marking the distances they should be hitting from. You can even go for something in between that’s just right for your skill level.
It’s a good way to stay sharp in the offseason.
Putting is one of the most important aspects of your game, and you can practice it all year long if you have a backyard green setup. Even when there isn’t snow on the ground, golfers like Tiger Woods make sure they keep their putting skills up with regular work on their backyard greens.
You’ll feel like a pro.
When you walk out onto your putting green and sink that first putt, it will be easy to imagine yourself as the next Tiger Woods or Lydia Ko (actually has one of those in her backyard). You can picture how great it would feel walking up to the first tee at Augusta National, and then imagine yourself hitting the ball perfectly down the middle of the fairway.
It’s an easy way to improve your game.
There are many aspects of golf that can be practiced on a putting green like precision aim, distance control, keeping shots low, etc. You don’t need any fancy equipment or a huge backyard to practice your putting, so why not do it?
It’s just plain fun.
There is something about the sound of that ball rolling out onto the green and then seeing all those little ripples in the water after you’ve sunk that last putt! It’s an incredibly satisfying feeling, one that many golfers miss when they stop playing every day.
Putting greens made of synthetic grass in St. Louis are a great way to spend time with your family and friends, keep sharp during the off-season, stay connected even when it’s too cold out for other sports, practice important skills that all golfers need to perfect like precision aim or distance control, feel like you’re becoming a PGA pro, and have a lot of fun when you do it!