For anyone interested in growing a vegetable garden, a lawn can be a problem. Vegetables need to be planted close together so they don’t require any fertilizer or pesticides, and grass gets in the way of that. However, for those who have artificial grass in San Antonio, TX but still want to grow vegetables, there are many options available.
It is possible to grow vegetables on the lawn without harming the grass below. It just takes a bit of preparation and planning.
1. Pick Your Containers
Pots, window boxes, planters—there are many different types of containers that can be used to grow vegetables in place of soil or dirt. If you will be using non-organic matter for the containers, such as bricks or stones, ensure that they have been weathered outside for at least a year to get rid of any harmful chemicals. You can also make your own organic-matter containers by filling old tires with compost and worms.
2. Pick Your Vegetables
The best vegetables to grow in artificial grass installation in San Antonio TX are low-maintenance options like root vegetables, including carrots, beets, turnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes and radishes. These are low in water requirements and they need very little fertilizer or compost.
3. Prepare the Laundry Basket
A large laundry basket with holes drilled all around it is perfect for growing root vegetables on the lawn. Drill holes roughly 3 inches apart all around the basket, then fill it with enough topsoil to cover the seeds of the vegetables you are planting.
4. Prepare the Planters
Fill your containers with organic material or potting soil. Then place the baskets on top of them so that they are half-covered by soil and compost, leaving room for water to be added later.
5. Plant the Seeds
Sow the seeds in the baskets, then water them until they are at least 2 inches deep. Keep an eye on them throughout spring and summer to ensure that the soil remains moist but not soaked. Fertilize them at least three times during their growing season with a food for root vegetables, giving each plant at least one feeding.
6. Harvest Your Vegetables
Once the vegetables grow to their full size, you should be able to begin harvesting them. They will need to be harvested before they start to die off naturally in order to avoid rotting on the vine or plant. Simply pick what you need and leave the rest for next time!
More Tips for Container Gardening
- Create self-watering containers by drilling small holes all around the base of your laundry basket or other container and arrange them on the best artificial grass in San Antonio, TX.
Then fill it with soil, but leave some room at the top for water to be added. When the soil begins to dry out, simply pour in enough water to moisten it again. Water slowly so that it doesn’t wash out your soil.
- If growing vegetables in containers on a lawn, it is important to water them and feed them as necessary, but be careful where you plant your seeds because fruit-bearing vegetables can attract rodents.
- Vegetables that grow very tall need stakes or string to form a teepee for support during their growth.
- If you plan on growing vegetables in the same location every year, mulch heavily between seasons to keep grass and weeds down.
This will allow for easy tilling of soil with a garden fork during the next growing season.
- Even if you already have a synthetic lawn, it is possible to grow root vegetables in containers. However, you will need to prepare the containers by lining them with a thin layer of topsoil so that they don’t absorb too much moisture from the ground and cause grass in your yard to die.