Can Artificial Grass for Dogs in Tampa Help Pets with Pollen Allergies?

lawnhomecare Jan 29, 2021 Pet Friendly Turf
bully dog sniffing on artificial grass

bully dog sniffing on artificial grass

Humans are not the only ones who can get allergic to grass. Pets are at risk too, which has prompted many dog owners to finally switch to artificial grass for dogs in Tampa. In fact, the symptoms they experience are very similar to what people do:

  • Itchiness in the face and paws
  • Hives and redness throughout the body
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sneezing
  • Watery and red eyes
  • Skin welts

Aside from being uncomfortable, grass allergies can severely restrict your dog’s quality of life. They won’t be able to go out on your grassy lawn without triggering their allergies. Worse, if the symptoms get severe enough, it can even warrant an emergency trip to the vet. But what’s in natural lawns that trigger all of these allergy symptoms anyway?

Many Dogs are Allergic to Pollen

Grass produces pollen, which is primarily what causes grass allergies. Dogs can get exposed to in many ways, such as inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact.

Just the simple act of strolling through your grass backyard can make them sick. It gets even worse during summer and spring, which is when grass produces the most pollen.

For many pet owners, the only effective and long-term solution is replacing their lawn with artificial turf in Tampa, FL.

Synthetic Grass Reduces Allergy Symptoms

The solution is simple— remove pollen-producing live grass, and you remove the pollen. Once synthetic grass installation is complete, your furry friend can run, roll around, and play all day long outside without experiencing allergy symptoms.

Not only is this beneficial for dogs, but for their human family as well. Synthetic grass also reduces allergy triggers for your family and guests. Finally, everyone can enjoy the yard without getting worried about their health.

More Pet-Friendly Benefits of Artificial Grass

Aside from being hypoallergenic, artificial grass for dogs in Tampa offers more advantages like:

Less Mess to Clean Up

Cleaning up pet waste from synthetic turf is straightforward. Pick up poop as usual, and flush out any residue with soapy water. Do the same for urine. What makes artificial grass so much better than real lawns is that it allows urine to drain through, instead of getting absorbed by the soil and creating foul odors.

Incredibly Durable

Finally, you can enjoy a picture-perfect lawn with burnt grass or holes all over your yard! Paws are no match for artificial grass. They can dig, run around all day, and try their best to rip out the grass, but it won’t happen. Synthetic turf is made of tough fibers stitched onto a durable backing.


You and your pet will enjoy Tampa synthetic grass for many years. It can last for as long as 10 to 15 years with minimal care.

Ready to make the pet-friendlier switch? Consult with your local synthetic grass installers today.