Kids are balls of energy — they jump, run, wrestle, and play hard, especially when out in the yard. Inevitably, someone trips, gets bruised, and sustains other injuries. As a parent, how do you reduce the risk? One solution is converting your natural lawn to artificial grass in Kansas City.
3 Ways to Keep Kids Safe with Artificial Turf
Synthetic grass significantly reduces the odds of kids falling, bruising, and scraping their knees. Here’s how:
It Softens Impact
Artificial turf can’t —and won’t— stop your children from tripping and falling. However, it can make it safer for them to land.
Synthetic Grass in Kansas City can be installed with a shock-absorbent layer. This helps cushions impact. Instead of landing on the hard, packed soil of natural lawns, turf gives children a safer surface to fall.
It’s Non-Slip
Watering your grass is not only expensive and time-consuming. It can also be dangerous for children. Wet, muddy grass is incredibly slippery. If that isn’t enough, high moisture levels can cause certain harmful microorganisms to grow. These pathogens can enter the body when playing outdoors and without proper hygiene.
By using artificial turf in Kansas City, you save on water while providing a safe space for children to use. Turf surfaces provide great traction even when it gets wet. High-quality turf products also have anti-microbial properties that lessen exposure to bacteria.
It Improves Coordination
Regular exercise not only keep kids healthy, but it also improves their coordination. Clumsy kids are prone to accidents, so it’s important for kids to learn how to stay steady on their feet.
This is especially important for toddlers who are still learning to move and balance. You don’t have to worry about them tripping over hidden rocks and stumbling over depressions in the lawn.
Enjoy a Safer Home with Synthetic Turf
As parents, your top priority is child’s health and well-being, especially at home. While you cannot watch over your kids 24/7, you can give them a safer backyard to enjoy.
Aside from safety, synthetic grass in Kansas City offers even more benefits:
- Requires minimal maintenance, so you can spend more time bonding
- Hypoallergenic and pest-free
- Long-lasting investment in the beauty and function of your home
- Safe for your furry family-members
Give your family the gift of an artificial yard! Consult a local artificial grass installer today!