When you have kids and pets at home, it’s essential to make your home safe and accident-proof. This is why a lot of TX families are turning to artificial turf installation in San Antonio, TX for their lawns. But like real grass, the warmer months means rising surface temperatures for your yard. Keep your children cool and safe while playing outdoors with a few practical tips!
Ways to Keep Artificial Grass Cool & Safe for Pets & Kids
Keeping turf cool and safe begins all the way from the installation process. However, there are still some great methods you can apply even if you already have the turf installed. Below are some tips to try:
- Pick the right materials. Not all artificial grass is created equal. Some materials are less likely to cause overheating and come with a sub-surface cooling system. Not sure which one to use for your project? Consult your local installer of artificial grass.
- Go for light colors. Light colors help lower temperature, so it’s advisable to choose lighter grass shades. If you prefer deep, green tones in your lawn, consider mixing it up with lighter-colored turf. Using light-colored infill also helps.
- Say no to rubber infills. Rubber infills absorb and transfer heat more than non-rubber infills. However, top synthetic grass companies don’t use these anymore, so make sure you hire a reliable provider of artificial turf in San Antonio, TX.
- Install under a shade. If your yard has trees, it’s best to install your artificial grass lawn under shaded areas of your yard. This will help protect the artificial grass from direct sun rays and keep them cooler. Apart from that, it will create a more comfortable space for your pets and kids to play in.
- Use shade cloths. Shade cloths will help block the sunlight and lessen heat absorption, making your artificial grass lawn cooler. You can also use other furniture like big outdoor umbrellas, or add an overhang to the play corners.
- Hose it down. Hosing down your lawn for a few minutes during especially hot days will help reduce heat and make it cooler.
Artificial Grass: Excellent Alternative to Natural Lawns
Besides being safe for pets and kids, there are several other benefits of using artificial turf in San Antonio, TX for your home:
- Less dirt and germs
Playing outdoors is fun, but it also poses health risks for children and pets. This is significantly lessened when you use an artificial grass lawn because of its anti-microbial properties.
- Safe and accessible
Artificial grass is designed to reduce the risks of trips and falls. Unlike natural grass that erodes with time, natural grass stays smooth and flat. It also has soft synthetic blades, which helps cushion one’s fall, lessening the risks of cuts and broken bones.
- Easy to maintain
Maintaining a natural grass lawn can be hard work. Apart from that, it’s also costly. Artificial grass, on the other hand, is easier to maintain with only a few quick water sprays every now and then. For the most part, it can even last up to 15 years or more.
- Nature-friendly
Since artificial grass requires less maintenance, it helps conserve natural resources. First-class turf products are also made from sustainable, recyclable materials.
Ready to see why so many homeowners are switching to the best artificial grass in San Antonio, TX? Schedule a consultation with your local synthetic grass company today!