Spending time outdoors, in the fresh air, is very important to a child’s development. That’s why a having a backyard is one of the top priorities for parents. While you may not think twice about the safety of natural grass, some parents are not so confident about artificial turf in San Antonio, TX. Is it really a kid-friendly choice? Not only is the answer a resounding yes, but in some cases, it can actually be a safer choice than real grass.
Top 5 FAQs about Synthetic Grass Safety
An increasing number of schools, parks, and public playgrounds in Texas and around the US are covering their grounds with synthetic grass. It’s also becoming a popular choice for residential homes in San Antonio and beyond.
Interested in doing the same, but still on the fence about the decision? knowing the answers to these top five FAQs about artificial grass in San Antonio, TX can help you make a decision:
- Is artificial grass safe for toddlers?
Toddlers love to play outside as much as their older counterparts. Unfortunately, a natural lawn can be hazardous due to holes and inconsistencies that result from natural wear and tear. Toddlers can also trip on tree roots, tones, and slippery grass after it rains.
Artificial grass much more durable than the real thing. It can withstand high-traffic activities while maintaining a smooth, even surface. It also has an extremely fast draining rate, so it doesn’t get slippery and dries out fast. Finally, you can also request a shock-absorbent layer to be installed under the turf to soften the landing for trips and falls.
- Is turf allergen-free?
Yes. Unlike grass, it doesn’t produce pollen, which is one of the most common triggers of allergies and hay fever. However, note that it still won’t eliminate pollen that come from live flowers and trees around your yard, so factor that in when you’ve got family members with allergies.
- Is artificial grass made from toxic materials?
No. Best-in-class synthetic grass in San Antonio contains no harmful chemicals or gasses. They’re also made from sustainable, eco-friendly materials. You don’t need to apply pesticides and other toxins on the surface as well.
- Is artificial grass easy to clean?
Absolutely! One of the most popular reasons why parents go for synthetic grass in San Antonio is that it completely prevents dirt, mud, and grass stains getting tracked in the house. The anti-microbial agents on turf also lessens contact between children and bacteria. It’s super easy to clean as well— simply rinse out stains and pick up debris to keep your artificial yard pristine.
- 5. Does turf feel and look as good as natural grass?
Yes, but make sure you go for high-quality grass with natural green tones and soft, lush fibers. Once you make the switch, get ready for people to do a double-take when they pass your lawn— it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between synthetic grass and the real thing!
Make Your Lawn A More Child-Friendly Space with Synthetic Grass
Give your little ones an outdoor paradise while you enjoy peace of mind with artificial turf in San Antonio, TX. For more questions about turf and get your project started, call your local artificial grass pros today.